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Do you remember when you were a kid?  When you played with dolls, toy trucks, Nerf guns and bubble machines, or rode your bike and played baseball, football, badminton, field hockey and soccer in school and in your neighborhood with your friends?  When your "club" was a hollowed-out place in some bushes by your house?  When you learned reading and math and science and history in school and you brought your work home for your parents to review and sign?  When your science class was biology or early chemistry or studying the solar system?  When respect for parents, teachers, the police and other authority figures was taught and encouraged?  Are you aware of what is being taught in schools today?  Are your 5-, 6-, 7- and 8-year-old little children being taught about gender identity, transgenderism and the use of gender pronouns using "X" or "they" instead of he or she....while still looking forward to Santa Claus at that age, the tooth fairy visits on losing their first teeth, and hunting Easter eggs from the Easter bunny?  Have you seen what is being done in our schools to hide information from a student's parents?  Did you know there are secret "clubs" and that teachers are instructed to address a child in their class by one name but to use the child's given name when speaking with his or her parents?  The speakers at our excellent, thought-provoking, informative luncheon on May 12 discussed these issues and more, and provided a video presentation of actual paperwork and forms that are being used in our schools today, and exact quotes to inform us of what is happening to America's children today.  It is time to wake up, even if you don't have children in public school - or in any school at all.  It is time to realize the incredible, immense importance of voting for school board members who care about parents and their children, and will dedicate their service on the school board to that important task....people who let children be children and are advocates for parental rights.  Below are pictures from our luncheon - including pictures of the sobering presentation that accompanied the speeches.   Member Geri Woodham offered the opening prayer, Member-at-Large Georgianne Pionessa led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, Third Vice President Kathey Seymour conducted the meeting, and there were standing ovations for our speakers - Charlotte Joyce, courageous Duval County School Board member, and Becky Nathanson, Chapter Chair for Moms for Liberty - Duval.   City Councilman Al Ferraro gave us an update of City Council actions and votes and the meeting ended with short campaign speeches from several candidates for local office in upcoming elections.  Our next RWCDF Luncheon will be held on June 9th.   Be an informed voter, be an engaged citizen, don't miss these outstanding opportunities to know what's going on in our city, state and country.  It doesn't take some of us to be a safe and growing nation, it takes ALL of us.  

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Republican Women’s Club of Duval Federated
10111 San Jose Blvd
Suite 6
Jacksonville, Florida 32257


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